State Trust Land south of El Toro Rd.


Google aerial map of State Trust Land that delivers water to Delgado wash, Delgado Rd.
and FICO property. Note diversion of water to the west along north boundry.

Point of diversion along old El Toro Rd. that increases flow to FICO diversion dams.
Note restraining berm south of road, on property line between
Freeport-McMoran property and State Trust Land.

Close up of sheet flooding over much of the State Trust Land.

Intersection of north/south berm and east/west berm from former
Davis’ irrigated property, now owned by Freeport McMoran.

Wash enters State Trust Land at corner of Dawson Rd and Country Club Rd.

Map showing the main wash with branch to the north and new wash that delivers water to Delgado Rd,

Detail of start of new wash off Country Club Road, running parallel to original wash

Close-up of large area of sheet flooding and water breaking from wash

An example of the many pathways of the storm water

Spot of delivery of water from new wash on Delgado at El Toro

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